3 rules of effective communication: Essential, precise and brief

LEITWOLF® Podcast – Leadership, Führung & Management

In today’s business world, poor communication is a huge waste of time and energy. In this podcast episode, find out why communication is not just what you send out, but above all what is received by the recipient. Stefan sheds light on how often the intention behind the message does not match the actual effect.

Communication is the inseparable companion of leadership. You can’t not communicate and the art is to communicate in an effective way. In this episode, Stefan gives you three practical tips to optimize your communication and have a positive impact on your professional environment.


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Would you like solid tips or support on how to implement good leadership in your company? Then please get in touch with Stefan via mail: homeister@stefan-homeister-leadership.com

Or arrange a free phone call here: https://stefan-homeister-leadership.com/link/calendly-en

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LEITWOLF Podcast, Leadership, Management, Stefan Homeister, Podcast, Business Leadership, Successful Leadership, Organizational Management, Leadership Skills, Leadership Development, Team Management, Self-leadership, Leadership Coaching, Leadership Training, Career Development, Leadership Personality, Success Strategies, Organizational Culture, Motivation and Leadership, Leadership Tips, Leadership Insights, Change Management, Visionary Leadership, Leadership Interviews, Successful Managers, Entrepreneurial Tips, Leadership Best Practices, Leadership Perspectives, Business Coaching