From colleague to boss: successfully making the transition to leader

LEITWOLF® Podcast – Leadership, Führung & Management

In this podcast episode, Stefan dives deep into his philosophy of leadership, which he sees as a holistic 360° approach. In particular, he focuses on the moment when someone makes the decisive step from colleague to boss. This transformation brings with it a multitude of challenges, which Stefan illuminates sensitively.

Stefan invites those who still have this step ahead of them to reflect on their feelings: Is it pure anticipation or is there also a pinch of uncertainty?

For those who have already mastered this important transition, Stefan offers an opportunity to reflect. He shares his own experiences and reflects on his early days as a brand manager for major brands, where he was responsible for large sales and the well-being of his teams. He also critically identifies a mistake: over-managing by delegating too little responsibility and keeping too many tasks to himself.

This episode not only offers insights into Stefan’s own experiences, but also concrete tips for anyone who is about to take or has already taken this crucial step.

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