APPRECIATION – The value of appreciation

LEITWOLF® Podcast – Leadership, Führung & Management

Welcome to the third episode of the new Emotions series. Maybe you noticed the adjusted intro again? In this episode Stefan talks about the emotion APPRECIATION.

Appreciation means recognition, respect and appreciation of a person in their individual uniqueness. Appreciation is expressed in respect for a person. So appreciation is something very human and we all need it.

So in today’s episode, Stefan talks about appreciation and what influence real appreciation has in the leadership of employees. He himself tells of a situation in which he was given special appreciation, which now dates back 25 years. Stefan still remembers. This is exactly the power of authentic appreciation at eye level.

You will learn which 5 steps you, as a LEITWOLF, can take to make appreciation part of your leadership style.


Other episodes of the emotion series:

🇬🇧 FEAR – From paralysis to healthy courage

🇬🇧 ANGER – From anger trap to healthy impulse control


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