The real conversation or hot air?

LEITWOLF® Podcast – Leadership, Führung & Management

It takes effort and courage, but it can move mountains. Are you ready for the real conversation?

Whether with superiors or employees – leadership means communication. Of course it does. But sometimes honest and true words are needed. Words that can make all the difference.

In this episode, Stefan shares why he sought the true conversation at 4 points in his career and never regretted it. He also lists the three key barriers to why such a conversation isn’t happening and gives you three tips to ensure you don’t miss out on the opportunities of the true conversation. As always, from practice and with added value for your career as a leader.


Also listen to this episode: ANGER – From anger trap to healthy impulse control

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Would you like solid tips or support on how to implement good leadership in your company? Then please get in touch with Stefan via mail:

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